The expenditure related to Sengu of Ise Grand Shrine

In October 1953 when Japan had entered into the era of its reconstruction period after the war, Ise Grand Shrine had performed the 59th Sengu.
Both the national treasury paid before the war and the private donation had been used for the expenditure related to Sengu.
In other word, Ise Grand Shrine had had the kind of government aid though they had started to walk along the new path as a religious corporation.
However, they couldn’t have been allowed to rely on the nation for even 1 yen after that.
Ise Grand Shrine had had to manage to collect the expenditure related to Sengu all by themselves.
Perhaps, Ise Grand Shrine had faced a crucial test at the very 60th Sengu.

The private association established after the war for the sake of collecting the expenditure related to the 59th Sengu had functioned beautifully.
And also after that, its activity has been taken over as the foundation until today.
By the great deal of action of those who had supported Ise Grand Shrine, Sengu had been also performed every 20 years since the 60th.
The 60th had been performed in 1973, and the 61st, in 1993.
Naiku, on October 2, and Guku, on October 5.

And in 2013, they had just performed the 62nd Sengu.
Ise Grand Shrine said that the expenditure related to the 62nd was about 55 billion yen.
For your reference, the expenditure related to new attraction of the world-renowned theme park in Osaka was 45 billion yen.
The new attraction scheduled to open in summer 2014 has attracted much attention as the largest investment in their history.
Compared to that, we can feel again how expensive money it takes for the Sengu of Ise Grand Shrine.

It had been in 685 that Emperor Tenmu had been originated Sengu of Ise Grand Shrine.
And his wife, Empror Jito had performed the Sengu of Naiku in 690, and Geku, in 692.
Indeed the Shinto rituals with so much money have been lasted for about 1300 years even though it was suspended temporarily.
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